Coaching With Katie Joy

It's Like A Retreat For The Soul
To Cleanse & Revitalise



Before You Book With Katie

Welcome to my vortex!

I am a guide to accelerate your spiritual awakening: to awaken, heal and manifest!

Are you willing, committed and ready for that transformation?

I'm not for everybody. I'm a 'seer' and will be direct, loving and call out B.S. to serve you without the fluff. 

I help people break through their own limiting barriers, and optimise their potential,
to live in alignment with their Soul's purpose.

That requires breaking through some old stories that do not serve you, or your goals.

When you coach with me, expect to get to the core of your issues quickly and you will also be provided with actionable steps to implement after the session.

If you know you need help, you're too busy to take the slow road to recover, and you're ready to follow through and implement the actionable advice PLUS you love a straight-shooter who will not let you wallow in any toxic story, conditioning or program, then book a call to discuss an option below for us to work together.

Soul-Alignment Package

From Setback To Being On Track!
To Reconnect With Your Divine Assignment 


Are you resilient and looking to reinvent your life after a crisis, but this time in alignment with your Soul's Purpose?

Yes, living your purpose, on purpose doing what you love. 

This coaching package includes the guidance to help to recover from a traumatic experience (such as a divorce, debt, death, disruption, or destabilized after narcissistic abuse) to rebalance, reclaim your power and revitalize your life force energy.

Spaces are Strictly Limited to 3 clients at a time


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Soul Accelerator Package


Activate and Accelerate

It’s Massive Momentum Mentoring for Energy Activation 

and Accelerating YOUR Dreams for life and business into reality

How is this different to the “Soul Alignment Package”?

[The Soul Alignment Package is to Awaken and Align

It’s “First Aid for the Soul” To Nurture your heart, Nourish your mind and Navigate into Authentic Alignment (re)awakening to your true dreams and goals.

Whereas the Soul Accelerator Package is about personal leadership and authentic personal brand, focusing your energy on your compelling vision for your future, aligning your goals with that and helping you to map out a clear plan, along with providing you practical and magical tools to guide you in using to achieve your outcome.]


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Quantum Leap Mentoring


You are a healer, teacher, coach, consultant, or creative and either looking to turn your passion and purpose into profit with online coaching or courses and wondering how to strategically do that, or you have already created some success and want to take it to the next level.

This is a highly personalised and tailored 1:1 coaching package with Katie helping you to leap with faith into your bright and beautiful future to manifest the best version of yourself, your life and your business.

This a a done-with-you package and includes some extra online tech help to get stuff done faster.

There are 3 month and 6 month and 12 month options. This is only for those truly willing, committed and ready to transform their life at warp speed.

This is by application only. Book your call to see if it's a right fit for both and which option best suits your needs.



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Love, Light & Leadership Academy

12-Month Mastermind
[Applications open soon for September 2021 Enrolment]

This is a LIMITED Opportunity…


To Become the MAST-STAR of your own life, in every way!

Mastermind Group Purpose: Purpose for Mastermind Group: Mast-STAR-ing Love, Light & Leadership; creating your life and business with a 5D Consciousness. Support for massive momentum in your life and business so that you get accelerated results in business, finance, health and relationships, optimising spiritual development and energy alignment practices. 


Being fully supported, cheered on and celebrated along every step of the way into your future, and 12-months from now, you’re looking back reviewing how AMAZING your WHOLISTIC LIFE EXPERIENCE has been, because:

  • You truly believe in yourself, and aligned with your Soul’s calling, aligned with your strengths, so you’re optimising your full potential
  • You have had consistent access to extraordinary tools, coaching, and a community to support you - without a doubt knowing they were critical to your accelerated success! 
  • You’ve set yourself up to win with an environment of like-minded, big-hearted, aligned-souls who also have a vision and mission to BE more, do more and serve humanity more. #yesYES! #Accoundatibilitybaby!
  • You’re in the flow of love, joy and abundance because you’ve been consistently BE-ING the highest version of yourself, creating your amazing life, and enjoying EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. 
  • Celebrating with realisation how much time, energy, money (and heartbreak) you saved yourself because you invested in YOU first! 


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Annual Bali Retreat


These are currently on hold. Until further notice.


Marcia Miatke

Biz & Life Coaching Testimonial


Client Love


Aimee Hanson

"Katie is more addictive than House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Empire, and Scandal all rolled into one! She's one of the smartest, most soulful strategy experts I know and she doesn't disappoint. Katie's work is all about you - her thoughtful approach to strategy gets straight to the core so you can create a bigger impact with your life & business faster than you believe is possible. Haven't experienced her yet? You are missing out!!!"

Sonya Springer

"I wanted to tell you I just accomplished getting another raise of 15%. I’ve been working on it for over a year. That was 20% last time, now another 15%. Finally to the 6 figure income!! It is a huge increase. Because of the work I’ve done with you, I’ve been more attuned to ME and MY worth. THANK YOU. Much love to you. MUCH.  Words cannot adequately express how you’ve impact life."


Bernie Rutland

"Your life can change RAPIDLY in the space of just a couple days!!!!

"Even if you really don't know what you are looking for, 
get on board with Katie. She will direct you in such a gentle but honest way to help you work out your goals be it business or personal. Come for a ride you won't regret."