Hey Gorgeous Soul!
I'm Katie, and I want to TAKE YOU ON A JOURNEY to clear your money blocks, build an abundance mindset and show you how I relate with money and how I make money (online and offline) and multiply it so you can create the financial freedom and lifestyle you deserve.

Read This Before Going Any Further

Bernie Rutland
Learning to ask questions to get better deals, being more aware of what is coming and what is going out and how you can create other streams of income to boost your bank account. I used to be scared of money even when there was enough, I was scared it would run out.
So many programs around how we think and deal with money. All the stories we were told or hear about greed if you have too-much or it doesn't grow on trees all that stuff can be super deep programs but The Money Game has made a massive impact on my thinking. So I recommend it to all even if you think you have a good handle on it.
You will be amazed at what comes from doing this fabulous program. Thanks Katie

Roslynn Chalwell
The course content so far has been beyond my expectations, full of ah ha moments/WTF moments/ intention focused moments and it's only the first 4 days! But wait there's more I can hear you say ha ha because you always overdeliver!...
Still processing and working through the layers (it's a really big onion) and each layer that comes off more realisations come out. The journal and meditation takes the edge off!
And.. whilst going through the Spring Clean "The Money Game" of our finances I found over $4,000 that I forgot we had. Does that count? Either way without this course I wouldn't have realised we had it! Time to reset the goal!

The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!
is a life-changing money mindset and mastering your relationship
with money e-course + community
YOU have a dream to build your business, be financially independent, free to live life on your own terms and make a positive impact on the world.
WE have the ideas, insights, inspiration, lessons, tools and community to support you on your journey to financial freedom - to make it a lot easier, quicker and faster than you ever dreamed of.
$499 JUST $199!

Create Your Financially Independent Life, Starting NOW!
Results You Can Expect To Experience And See From Playing
The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!

THEN The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!
...is the next step for you

If no matter how much effort you put into manifesting money, no matter how much you think you know about money, and no matter how much self-improvement you do...
Until you clear your money blocks and limiting beliefs...
You'll never manifest the kind of money you want, or build and grow your business, or have the lifestyle freedom that you dream about.

"Just a quick update on our December goal! My initial goal was 10K (excl gst!) - well we closed offiices today and in just two weeks turnover excl gst is $13,500! - super happy with December turnover - we won't be billing anymore for the rest of 2020 AND received beautiful flowers from a gorgeous grateful client and another delivered a bottle of red wine today too - thanking me for supporting them through this tough year! Love appreciative clients! I don't usually get flowers and wine, so am very grateful. Just thought I would share my excitement and gratitude."
Sonja Pilkington
Hello Gorgeous Soul, I’m Katie Joy and I’m super excited that you’re here.
If you are ready to make this the year you actually take control of your finances, stop being shit with money and being broke or stressed out about how you will pay your bills, and instead create a quantum SHIFT in your relationship with money and get your money in momentum so you can make your BIG dreams come true, then listen up, because this message is for you.

And then, I made a really big decision. I committed to myself to actually start learning about money and about business and actually change my financial future.
And to epically spoil the ending for you, it made the world of difference to my life!
So much so that I became a self-made millionaire (it took me 6 years, then divided it in divorce, then did it again within 6 months. And then, like so many others, I’ve experienced the GFC with the losses in property, yet bounced back in business online).
I retired from my full-time career as a Paramedic. I care deeply about people, but knew it was time to shift my focus from medical emergencies to soul-aligned health.
I’m an international published author - with my own book (gluten free cooking anyone?), and as a contributor to a few others (co-authored with Sarah Prout in "Adventures in Manifesting: Spirituality & Success" and Celebrity Press with "Nothing But Net") .
I’ve created millions of dollars in revenue while travelling the world (2008 - 2012) and working 4 hours a month! Plus, in the past 8 years I’ve focused on my online business coaching others how to design their life, live their dreams too.
And I’m just a girl from the small city of Perth in Western Australia.
I’ve been able to fully finance my life 100% without support, including not a cent from the government, as a single-mum, juggling baby and business.
I’ve homeschooled my kid for the last 12 months, while growing a 6-figure business from home, part-time.
I spend the most amount of time with my family, spending time in nature (the beach, oh how I love the beach!), and being creative, because these are my priorities that I care most about.
And I love that I get to share my knowledge, create and connect with amazing souls all around the world and help them with everything I know. And be paid abundantly for it.
Here’s a beautiful thing that I’ve learned along the way as well. I thought being financially free meant needing millions of dollars in the bank, or at least having hundreds of thousands of dollars at my disposal (and I’ve experienced both).
But here’s the thing I realised is, that you actually can experience the kind of financial freedom you want to have, by being confident and capable of turning ideas into income when you know how. You can generate income (and grow it) in ways that don’t sell out your soul, or compromise your values (like having to take a job or take on a shitty client to earn the money you know you need, but comes at a cost emotionally, energetically or even at the health of you or your family.)
So if you’ve got values about your health, your family, self-governance and freedom to live life on your own terms, you can live those as a financially independent and rich person. And you can direct your money in a way that fuels your dreams and fills up your cup and that you believe in.

So for me, my values are my health, my family, and living my life authentically on my own terms. I love that I’ve been able to command my own schedule and travel with freedom, or be at home with my family for the past 14 years. I’ve been able to live life fully on my own terms and not have to stay in one location, or go away to work, instead be able to spend my time with who I want, when I want. And I love I’ve gotten to do some very cool things, like travel and explore 7 continents and 58 countries, be mentored by amazing people world wide, contribute finances to help individuals or organizations and pouring it back in to grow my online coaching business so I can help others too. You know, very important stuff to me.
I love that I get to direct my money in all these things and experiences that I value, but also that I command my time. All because I know how to turn ideas into income, being of service and providing value to others. Which has allowed financial abundance to flow.
It began because I decided to design my life, live my dream!
And I still get to do things on my own time and terms.
These days I enjoy not needing to leave the house.
I often work in my pyjamas or casual clothes (or even semi-naked! TMI? haha).
I often work from home or from a park, a kids play centre or simply from my mobile phone.
And I get to help people, just like you, who are incredible, beautiful humans, and transform your financial future as well, so that you don’t have to stress about money anymore.
You don’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay that bill.
You don’t have to stress about how you’re going to have enough money to live in alignment with your highest values, and bring your biggest dream to life as well.
So this is what this course - The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! - is all about. It’s like plugging a USB drive straight into my brain to learn how I have overcome challenging money blocks, negative beliefs and fears around money, how I got out of debt, how I saved money, exactly how I make money and multiply it so that it’s working harder for me than I am for it, and downloading for your use so you can do the same.
And here’s the truth. It’s not rocket science! It’s very doable, and most importantly, it’s fun!
You’ve Got This!
You can totally do this, especially as we will be together over four weeks where I will take you step-by-step how I’ve done it, and you can too. And I’m going to give you simple specific exercises to do that you are going to see a return of your micro investment back ASAP, and more! And that’s just in the first week, when you will do the ONE BONUS “More Money In My Pocket!” CHALLENGE that I’m going to be giving you.
When we played The Money Game in the last round just recently, people usually got back waaaaaaaaay more like $500, 1K, 2K, 4K, 5K, 10K, and even $13,500 (and that was in less than 2 weeks!).
So I’m just going to make it an absolute no-brainer, easy “Yes! YES!!” for you.

There are comparative courses out there that are great, but they are like $2,000.
I want to make sure that you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket, or go into massive debt when you invest in this course.
Instead, you can make a micro-investment in yourself, and get your money back super quickly, so you too can start seeing a real and BIG difference!
So let’s do it!
I want you to have this kind of freedom and fun, and be the change in your world that you wish to see, as well as impact the world around you, with financial abundance flowing for you too.
Let’s do this!
I will take you through, step by step, exactly how I relate with money - how I mind it, how I make it, how I manage it, how I multiply it.

I’m deeply inspired and grateful for the journey I’ve been on - the ups and downs with money - and for all the mentors who have taught me what is possible to turn my ideas into income. I’ve learned a LOT and I’m delighted to share my experience.
The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! Is a compilation of nearly 3 decades of knowledge and experience in an easy to follow proven step-by-step system that has already helped many beautiful souls before you creating life-changing results.
If you feel called to harmonise your relationship with money, heal money wounds (yours or your family’s), have a healthy relationship with money so you can attract more of it along with an abundance of other resources and manifest the financial freedom you have been dreaming of, then I’m inviting you to join me inside a deeply insightful and money activating program that guides you step-by-step HOW to make manifesting your money goals a reality!

- my "1, 2, 3 Method for more money, time & energy, so you can allow more financial abundance to flow, with more control of your time, and emotional freedom!
- how to breakthrough old money wounds, negative money beliefs & disempowering money stories to shift through the money blocks & fears, into new financial possibilities (including sharing my own money blocks and breakthroughs)
- exactly what I did to create a healthy relationship with money, (so that more money and resources are attracted to me), and how you can too.
- the real truth what is your BIGGEST worth, and it isn't your 'net worth'
- the many multiple streams of income I have created, why and what I would focus on, with what I now know.
- what has made the biggest difference to my financial flow, and it might not be what you think!
- the 4 currencies you MUST know and implement to create your ideal life, with financial ease.
- how to solve any problem or set a goal to manifest with this one-page "Miracles & Magic!" exercise
- an inspiring menu of money making possibilities that you can action right away.
- the money mistakes I made (and bad habits fell into) and exactly what I did to fix them to get out of a financial hole, and soaring with my soul, and financial flow again.
- how I've set up my online business to write off many of my lifestyle and basic living expenses BEFORE tax, and as tax deductibles.
- tips & tools how to manage your money better (and get more bang for your buck!)
- the free & simple spreadsheet I use to track my money and expenses.
- how to become an excellent money magnet, make it, manage it, and multiply it (money loves anyone who pays positive attention to it and nurtures it).
- why my biggest relationship trauma was my biggest financial teacher.
- 5 levels of expenses & the 'Snowball Method' to clear debt fast
During these 4 weeks we are going to dive deep, get real about your relationship with money, and hold nothing back!
Together we are going to reclaim our financial power and step up into financial leaders of abundance.
Be prepared to have your money mindset transformed and your financial possibilities expanded during
The Money Game! Mind it! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!
“More Money In My Pocket!” Challenge (Value $99USD)
As soon as you access your course, we will kick off a FUN challenge for you to make your money back for your investment in this course (and more) within your first week! Use this repeatedly moving forward to keep your financial abundance flowing with more money in your pocket! YAY!

“Manifest Money Now” Meditation (Value $49USD)
An essential and easy daily meditation to align your body, mind, heart and soul so you can activate abundance to flow for you. SOLD SEPARATELY FOR $49, FREE with your enrolment today!
Net Worth Calculator "plug and play" online template (Value $49USD)
Looking at your financial numbers can be scary and maybe you want to do anything else to avoid it (like chew your nails down to the nub!) This bonus template is yours to access online and shifts you into a focused powerful state of being, with insight energising you, and even making the experience fun! Yes, this is true! Most people report how amazing they feel, and surprised they are, to discover they have more net worth than they first thought!
An essential and easy daily meditation to align your body, mind, heart and soul so you can activate abundance to flow for you. SOLD SEPARATELY FOR $49, FREE with your enrolment today!

Expense Tracker “plug and play” online Template (Value $39USD)
Knowing where your money goes on a day-to-day basis can be a bit daunting for most who assume if they track their money they won’t have enough… so it’s tempting to stick your head in the sand, and spend anyway. With this expense tracker, you will realise you begin to enjoy directing your funds to expenses and experiences that give you the most value, more leverage and quality of life, and more bang for your buck!
101 Ways To Make Money Checklist (Value $49USD)
The world is buzzing with abundance, for all. There are countless ways to make money and create abundance. This bonus ebook is to help awaken the possibilities to turn ideas into income, and align the ideas with your soul’s truth, so you can achieve your money goals and manifest more abundance in your life and business.

“Money Matters” eBook (Value $99USD)
This is a compilation of lessons and experience that I share about my personal journey, from the key financial lessons that I learned as young as 9 years old, to how I got out of debt, manifested millions and manicured my mindset to achieve it all, and more.
My signature “1, 2, 3 Method” for manifesting. (Value $99 USD)
A simple method of success that is essential to you manifesting more money through harnessing the power of these three currencies. A must have for this super busy day and age, where most are often overwhelmed with too many responsibilities.

52 Week Money Savings Challenge (Value $99USD)
Get ready to grow a bonus Christmas fund, or ‘fun’ bucket of money for those really delicious experiences you desire.
Plus Sooooo Much More...
During these 4 weeks we are going to do a deeper discovery with money, go on a deep dive, and not hold anything back!
Together we are going to reclaim our financial power and step up into financial leaders of abundance.
Be prepared to have your money mindset transformed and your financial possibilities expanded by joining
The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!
Register Today And You'll Get:
12-months access to The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! (Valued at $499USD)
BONUS #1: “More Money In My Pocket” Challenge (Value $99USD)
BONUS #2 “Manifest Money Now” Meditation (Value $49USD)
BONUS #3 Net Worth Calculator Template (Value $39USD)
BONUS #4 Expense Tracker (Value $39USD)
BONUS #5 101 Ways To Make Money Checklist (Value $49USD)
BONUS #6 “Money Matters” eBook (Value $99USD)
BONUS #7 My signature “1, 2, 3 Method” for manifesting. (Value $99 USD)
BONUS #8 52 Week Money Savings Challenge (Value $99USD)
TOTAL VALUE $1,071 - JUST $199 USD!

Many have already taken this course & gotten real (and incredible) results.
They did the work, and took action. I know that when you do that too, you’ll get great results as well.
So I’ll offer you this “peace of mind” guarantee… if you complete this course within 30 days, do all the work, and do not experience any results… I’ll give you your money back.
So go ahead, make the best decision for yourself now and purchase today with peace of mind, knowing that you will get a great return on your investment… into YOU!

"Great course to delve deep into money matters whether it be recognising and modifying your money mindset, analysing your outgoings and savings hudreds or thousands of dollars, being inspired by easy ways to make more of it or multiplying your money in an easy authentic manner! If you want to earn or save money, manifest or make more of it, this is the best way to do it! Because of these lessons and tools I have consistently manifested more than my monthly money goal, which I also keep raising every month!"
Melanie Couffe
Colour Therapist
BONUS! “More Money In Your Pocket!” Challenge.
As soon as you access your course, we will kick off a FUN challenge for you to make your money back for your investment in this course (and more) within your first week! Use this repeatedly moving forward to keep your financial abundance flowing with more money in your pocket! YAY!
RESULTS FROM The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It!

Now It's YOUR Turn To Win At The Money Game!

"This course is gold for all. So many tools and a different way of creating other streams of income and managing it.
I totally recommend this course for all."
Bernie Rutland
Massage Therapist

"Long story short, I decided to do my Balance Sheet. Well, in the past, I have done many of these to assist in getting finance etc. Shouldn't take long I thought. Just had a property settlement with the Ex. Not many assets - not many liabilities. Got it done, printed it, checked it. Wait a minute!!!!!!! I got a $60,000 block of land out of the property settlement. We all reckoned it had no value as hard to sell so she "gave" it to me. That's 60 grand I'd forgotten about, because I believed my own story about "hard to sell". Even if I got half that, it's a massive win. I'd also forgotten about a USD$560.00 Share Trading Account. Without this little Balance Sheet exercise, it would have been gone forever. So thanks Katie Joy "back to basics" really does work."
Wayne Pepper
Truck Driver
A closer look at what you get inside The Money Game - Mind It! Make It! Manage It! Multiply It! Is a 4-week e-course with videos, ebooks, worksheets, templates.
A 4 Week Transformation For Just $199! USD (Valued at $499USD)

Everything you need to get set up for success, ready to learn ...and implement, so that you can get real and sustainable results, fast!

Mind It!
Together, we go on a deeper dive into your relationship with with money, including that of your family history, your own experiences and how to clear money wounds, money trauma, and money blocks so you can allow yourself to receive the infinite flow of abundance and prosperity with more ease.

Make It!
It's time to set your financial thermostat, and even raise the temperature! Get ready to set clear money goals with soul-aligned money-making strategies, amplified by the power of 'The 4 Currencies' to get real tangible results. Included in this module is a simple but often utilised exercise that when you employ it will help you solve any problem or create any goal.

Manage It!
A deeper dive into knowing your numbers, being a masterful money custodian, and feeling confident with your money.

Multiply It!
Time to make money work harder for you than you work for it! Ways to leverage your energy, time and money to work 'Smart' not 'Hard' for money.

Party Time!
This is a short wrap up to acknowledge your journey, and send you forward with a FUN bonus - a 52 week money saving challenge.

"I have now finished the program 'The Money Game - Mind it , Make it, Manage it, Multiply it'.
This is a great program to teach financial literacy in a fun way.
I now am monitoring my spend and filling in the excel spreadsheets regularly and am building a healthy relationship....ie giving money attention.
Previously if i looked at money as a child I would have said it was 'feral', now I am embracing the energy of money and learning to forgive myself for that which I wasn't awake to.
An Accounting degree didn't help me and this course has showed me options and a different way.
Thank you so much.....it's brilliant."
Diana Simich
Business Trainer
This IS for you IF:
- You are willing, committed and ready to transform your relationship with money to manifest more and multiply it.
- You know that the cost of avoiding knowing and implementing this knowledge far outweighs the relatively small investment to learn and apply it to get real, sustainable and rapid results.
- You commit to doing the work and take full responsibility for your financial goals
- You have integrity and you respect and honour boundaries
- You feel massive resistance (and practice every avoidance strategy) around having money conversations with others, especially clients.
- You often procrastinate taking care of income-producing activities, or worse, block money from coming in (like not sending out invoices, completing projects, making offers, asking for the sale).
- You haven’t yet associated making money (and having it work for you) as fun for you… yet!
- Your bank account doesn't reflect the amount of work you do or the service you give to others.
- And yet… you have a huge desire for more, but you often feel frustration because more money is just not coming quickly enough, and you're short of time!
This is NOT for you IF:
- You are so broke with money and mindset that you spit out every excuse to avoid taking responsibility for your finances (and your life).
- You use the excuse “I need to check with my partner” yet have no problem spending an easy $100 - $200 on another dress, handbag or accessory (and hide the receipt), or get a supply of alcohol.
- You cling to the fantasy of being a “kept” woman or man, or magically winning lotto.
- You have a habit of buying courses and letting them collect digital dust because you think that purchasing them is what gets you the results - this isn’t a magic bullet, you WILL need to IMPLEMENT to get the TRANSFORMATION you desire. (Someone’s gotta tell you the truth).
- Your retirement plan is to live off a government pension, or wait for a family inheritance (you hope)
- You have no moral compass, and are willing to make money any way you can, because you don’t care to do the right thing. This attitude is not welcome in our community!
- You’re satisfied being “paid just enough to be comfortable” as a slave to the system and giving most of your hard earned money to the government in tax.
- You want someone else to fix your problems.
If want to learn how to play The Money Game to hit your financial goals, without selling out your soul
If you recognise that you are a right fit for this transformational journey...

Why Learn From Me?
- 8 years in one of the ‘most trusted’ professions as a Paramedic - ‘For The Service Of Humanity’ (where during 2 of those years my role also included training volunteer ambulance officers to work with us in the field - WHICH MEANS I can teach you the WHAT, WHY, And the DETAIL that shifts you from surviving to thriving!)
- Retired in 2008 at the age of 32, with a $4.3m portfolio, $1.5m of equity and $8,500 per week rent.
- Seriously “unemployable” because I committed to being a successful serial entrepreneur at the age of 32 and have been self financed ever since (that’s 17 consistent years!)
- I have an incredible (well practiced) habit of turning ideas into income, that I love to teach others how to use too.
- Successful online course creator and coach - 18+ products and courses that have generated sales.
- International Lifestyle & Business Transformation Coach (with hundreds of clients from more than 13 countries).
- Make a consistent 6+-figure-a-year income online (and with offline retreats), part-time while being a single-full-time mum.
- I’m passionate about making money & sharing everything I know with you to expand your possibilities too.
- Internationally best-selling contributing author in 3 books (of which 2 are related to money, manifesting abundance, spirituality and success)
- I’m real, raw and will tell you the truth, with a whole lot of ‘Katisms’ and humour.
- I’m incredibly activated with multiple psychic senses, and hyper aware of energy and reading the field to clear energy blocks. It’s how I work with my one-on-one clients and bring those lessons and experiences to the course training to help you clear money blocks and allow your financial abundance to flow.

Q. How long will I have access to the content inside the course?
Q. I’m in a different time-zone to Western Australia. Is there any component that is live that I need to attend?
Q. Does this only apply to those in business?
Q. What if I’m already an established investor or entrepreneur? Will I learn anything new?
Q. Where will the course content be hosted, and how do I access it?
Q. Is there a community included?
Q. I like to accelerate my results working privately with a coach I resonate with, can I get 1-on-1 Coaching with Katie included with my course access?